Quarterly Update

March 28, 2008 at 12:02 am (About My Work, Progress) (, , , , )

I realised to day that the next instalment of my fifty two acts project (on target to be posted today) marks the quarter mark for the practical component of my doctorate. I am thrilled to bits with the way it is going, especially since I have found many of the creative projects growing and leading in new directions, giving the project the kind of momentum I was hoping for. Creative sustainability was definitely one of my biggest concerns with the format of the project, but when I look back over the work that I have done in the past three months I definitely feel that I have that three times over left in me. My biggest challenge now is to make sure the weekly creative works stay roughly on theme and all work towards the greater goal of answering the question “how can cyberfeminism practice and Web 2.0 applications be used to recode gendered representations of women on the Internet?” as initially asked in my research proposal. I am also concurrently working on the exegesis (a rationale type document accompanying the work), which is expected to be roughly 30,000 words, and will also seek to answer the research question.

One of the biggest things that has helped me stay on track with the writing side of things is the 500 word challenge. Read the rest of this entry »

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